The Scott Valley neighborhood participated in its second Neighborhood Response Group Drill on Sunday, March 14th. These city-wide drills are held twice a year on time change days so that NRG groups can practice their emergency response plans. Twelve Scott Valley Block Captains participated in this crucial exercise, practicing what it would be like to assess the homes on their designated blocks in the event of a disaster.
A total of 88 Scott Valley households participated in the drill by posting their green “OK” signs to alert Block Captains – and first responders – of their safety. Block Captains had the opportunity to practice using their handheld Midland emergency radios, graciously donated by the Scott Valley HOA, to communicate their status reports to the Scott Valley Emergency Command Post (located at the Alto Baseball field alongside Edna MgGuire).
This drill revealed an impressive increase in neighborhood participation with 47% of Scott Valley households participating, up 30% from our previous drill in November 2020.
The Scott Valley Steering Committee continues its search for Block Captain volunteers in two blocks that are currently unrepresented. These areas include the homes in Block 2 (17 & 19 Azalea and all of Hollyhock Ct) and Block 11 (18 – 44 Midhill Drive). If you reside in one of those areas, please consider volunteering.